Ø News item
The purpose of news
item is to inform readers, listener, or viewers about events of the day which
are considered newsworthy or important.
(Tujuan item berita adalah untuk
menginformasikan pembaca, pendengar, atau penonton tentang peristiwa yang dipertimbangkan
penting atau patut dijadikan berita).
of news item writing:
S’Pore to double arts, media by 2012
The singapore government wants to double the size of the country’s media,
design and art industries to six percent of the economy by 2012, a minister
said on Saturday.
The target came as officials said
they want the country to move away from its stuffy, rule-bound and embrace more
creativity as it seeks ways to sustain its economic growth.
“The creative industries are poised
to play a significant role in transforming our economy and society,” Lee Boon
Yang, Minister for information, communication and the Arts , told a graduation
ceremony for arts students.
Singapore’s government has set aside
more than S$200 milion (US$116 milion) over the next five years to invest in
the arts sector, Lee said, without giving details. – AP
(Taken from: Singapore Strait Times,2004)