Most students now look upon higher education principally as training for a particular kind of job, and it is the hope of well- paid, interesting work, together with a superior social status. Governments also tend to see higher education as a course of training for future workers. This is particularly true of developing countries, where there is  an urgent need for specialists of all kinds and governments expect a direct return  for the money  they have invested in education. The goal of higher education has become the acquisition of a highly specialized expertise which  can be put  to practical use in  a career.
A university course, in whatever subject, is seen as a basic requirement for many professions. Some institutions prepare students from the start for one specific type of example, teacher training –colleges or shools of medicine or agriculture.At the same time the traditional seclusion of the scholarly community has been disrupted.
Nevertheless, many peple think that in focusing upon expertise rather than upon wisdom, modern education is missing out what is of most value. It is still vital that from higher education students should above all acquire wisdom that is sense of responsibility for the application of their knowledge, an understanding of how their work is related to other areas of life, and a sense of values in their own lives.
: keeping a part
: separated by a force
Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kebiasaan, sedangkan Present Continuous Tense digunkan untuk menunjukkan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi ketika sedang dibicarakan.
Contoh :
I read the newspaper every day
I am studying English now.
Simple Past  Tense digunakan jika ketika terjadi peristiwa waktunya diketahui/disebutkan, sedangkan Present Perfect Tense jika waktu tidak diketahui/ tidak disebutkan
Contoh :
I wrote my exercise last night
I have written my exercise.
Suatu kebiasaan di masa lampau dapat diungkapkan dengan  Simple Past Tense atau dengan “used to “
Contoh :
I went (I used to go) to the cinema every week last year.
Catatan :
Past Continuous Tense (I was going) tidak digunakan untuk kebiasaan di masa lampau, tetapi untuk perbuatan yang sedang dilakukan di masa lampau dan ada kejadian lain yang bersamaan terjadinya. Dalam hal ini peristiwa yang lebih lama berlangsungnya menggunakan bentuk  Past Continuous Tense , sedangkan kejadian lain yang lebih pendek waktunya dengan menggunakan Past Tense
Contoh: I was going to the cinema when I met him.
Jika suatu pekerjaan telah dimulai di masa lampau dan kini masih dilakukan atau berlangsung , maka Present Perfect kita gunakan
Contoh :
I have been in this class for one hour
Hati-hati; jangan menggunakan Future Tense dalam kalimat syarat atau keterangan waktu , jika kata kerja dalam kalimat utama dalam  Future Tense , tetapi gunakanlah present tense.
Contoh :
I shall visit Curugsewu Waterfall when I go (if I go) to Kendal.
Work in a group of  four or five . Make a survey of how the students in your group react to the role of higher education in our society by using the given questionaire.
Fill in the results of survey on the given sheet. Put total as well as percentages.
Do you like your school?
Do you like the subjects taugt in your shool?
Do you like your school environtment?
Do you like the way  your teacher teach the class?
Does your school provide you with what you want to learn?
Do you get knowledges and skills needed for future career?
After failing to persuade the Texas Education Agency and the state Board of Education to order classroom air conditioning, the man took their case to federal court, arguing that the district is violating a law that requires handicapped children be educated in the “least restrictive environment”
Raul testified that he decided to build the box instead of air conditioning the room for fear of jealousy among other parents and teachers. Raul said he turned down a woman from that country who offered to pay for air conditioning because that would have been “discrimination.”
Raul testified that he decided to build the box.
A.    bentuk : Subyek + kt Kerja bentuk ke dua
Contoh  He worked
                They worked
-Kalimat negatip dibentuk dengan menambahkan  “did not “ sebelum kata kerjanya  dan bentuk kata kerjanya menjadi infinitive tanpa to
Contoh : He worked        menjadi        He did not work
-          Kalimat tanya  dibentuk dengan meletakkan ‘ did ‘ di depan kalimat .(jadi semua dengan did tanpa membedakan subyeknya)
-          Contoh : He worked   menjadi    Did he work  ?
                     They worked menjadi    Did they work ?
                     (bukan   Did he worked atau Did he works)
-‘Dis not’ dalam kalimat negatip atau kalimat tanya negatip biasanya disingkat  “didn’t
Contoh : I didn’t work      atau Didn’t I work?
B. Penggunaan Simple Past Tense
-          Bila dalam kalimat tanya ditentukan/disertakan keterangan waktunya
Contoh : I met him yesterday
-          Bila menanyakan waktu kejadian itu / kapan berlangsungnya.
         Contoh : When did you meet him ? ) catatan : to meet –met-met
-          Untuk suatu perbuatan yang berlangsung pada saat yang sudah diketahui walaupun keterangan waktunya tidak disertakan.
Contoh : The Taxi was 10 minutes late
                I bought this car in Semarang.
-Digunakan untuk kebiasaan di masa lampau .
  Contoh ; He always drank wine (sekarang sudah tak pernah mabuk)
                  She  smoked  sigarrette (sekarang sudah tak merokok lagi)
-Digunakan untuk percakapan atau tanya jawab setelah present perfect tense digunakan
   Contoh ;                    Did you enjoy it ? Yes, I enjoyed it.
-          Digunakan dalam kalimat syarat setelah : as if, as though, it is time, if only, wish, would sooner
Contoh : If it is rained for six months (hal yang tak akan terjadi)
               I wish I knew
1.      Is you classroom air-conditioned?
2.      Is there anyone in your classroom who is handicapped?
3.      What is your opinion about education ? put a tick (V) in the appropriate blanks.
a. Education is for all
b. People should not pay for their education.
c. Budget for education must be increaded
 SA = strongly agree
A = Agree
NS = Not Sure
D = Disagree
SD = Strongly Disagee
Listening the music, particularly classics, can help you to live longer according to researcher, Mr. Fadhlan.. He believes that music lovers suffer less from stress and high blood presure than people who do not enjoy music. As a part of three-year study he brought groups of people together to listen to music. He found that their blood pressure was much lower when they were listening to classical music than when they were left to talk to each other.
Mr. Fadhlan, a researcher at the nusic college of Lowa University, does not enjoy classical music himself. But he said yesterday : “ I am seriously thinking  of appreciating classical more, “
They were listening to classical music
a.       bentuk : Subyek + was/were + ing form
Contoh  He  was working
                They rere working
                They were listening to classic music
b.      Penggunaan Past Continuous Tense.
-Untuk suatu kejadian yang berlangsungnya bertahap.
Contoh : It was getting darker.
               The wind was rising.
-          Untuk suatu perbuatan yang sudah dimulai di masa lampau.dan masih akan dilanjutkan setelah itu.
-          Contoh : At 8.00 he was having breakfast (berarti bahwa untuk            melakukan makan pagi memerlukan periode waktu,)
-          Bila terdapat bagian kalimat dalam bentuk past tense . tapi dengan syarat Past continuous tense tersebut untuk kejadian yang berlangsungnya lebih lama..
-          Contoh : When I arrived, Tom was talking on the telephon.
-          Digunakan dalam diskripsi suatu karangan. Tetapi apabila karangan tersebut dalam bentuk narasi, dengan waktu, maka Past aaaaaaatense harus diguanakan.
-          Contoh : A girl was playing the piano  and (was) singing softly to herself.
-          Digunakan dalam percakapan tak langsung dalam bentuk ampau.
Contoh : He says : “I am living in London (direct speech)
                He said that he was living in London (indirect speech)
-Digunakan untuk kebiasaan di masa lampau yang menjengkelkan atau membuat kacau. . biasanya menggunakan “always”
  Contoh ; He was always ringing me up
                  -Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang terjadinya secara kebetulan ,
   Contoh;                    I was talking to Tom the other day.
.-Digunakan untuk menghaluskan suatu pertanyaan.
Contoh: What were you doing before you come here?
               Home Work :
Write down an Indonesian song and translate it into English or from English song to Indonesian.
MATERI    4:                 OUR STRANGE LANGUAGE
I think you already know
A mouth is not a mud in mother.
Nor both in bother or in brother.
And here is not a match for there
Nor dear and fear for bear .
And there is a rose and lose.
Just look them up –and goose  and choose,
And fork and work and card  and car
And from and front and word and sword
Come ,come , I have hardly made a start
A strange language
Man  alive
I had mastered it when I was five.
I have hardly made a start
a.       Bentuk : Subyek + have/has + past paarticiple.
Contoh  He  has worked
                They have worked
                You have worked
b.      Penyingkatan: Have / has not dapat diringkas penulisannya .
-Contoh : She has not worked menjadi : She hasn’t worked
c.       Penggunaan :
-          Untuk perbuatan yang baru saja selesai .
Contoh : He has just gone out,
           -   Untuk suatu perbuatan lampau yang waktunya tak ditentukan atau diketahui berlangsungnya.
       Contoh : I have read the instruction but I don’t understand them.
-          Untuk suatu perbuatan yang sudah dilakukan dan dapat terjadi lagi di masa mendatang.
Contoh : I have seen wolves in that forest ( lain kali mungkin masih akan bertemu dengan serigala lagi di hutan itu)
Tetapi : I used to see wolves here (berarti dulu saya bisa melihat serigala tetapi sekarang tidak melihat lagi).
-          Digunakan bersama dengan lately, recently, y et.
Contoh : He has not finished yet.
Catatan : Dapat pula menggunakan periode waktu seperti : to day, this week, this month, this year, tetapi dengan syarat waktunya  yang tepat tida/ belum diketahui. Bila waktu kejadian sudah diketahui maka yang digunkan adalah past tense.
Sedangkan untuk keterangan waktu this morning  hanya sampai jam 13,00  dan untuk this afternoon sampai jam  17.00. Apabila melebihi waktu tersebut berarti tonight dan harus menggunakan past tense.
Contoh : Have you seen him today ( jam nya tak jelas)
                He went back to work this morning.
-          Untuk suatu perbuatan yang sudah berl;angsung sejak dulu dan kejadiannya berakhir pada waktu dibicarakan.
Contoh : (Ketika sedang menyapu dia berkata ): This room has not been cleaned for months.
         Digunakan untuk kalimat yang menggunakan keterangan waktu  ‘ for ‘ dan ‘since’.
                   Contoh : We have lived in Kendal for ten years (dan sekarang          
                                   masih tinggal di Kendal).
                                  Catatan ; Untuk kata ‘since ‘ tidak digunakan’ the’ sesudahnya  dan untuk’ for’ digunakan’ the’ sesudahnya . Jadi yang ada ‘since last week’ dan’ for the last week’.
-          Digunakan dalam bahasa surat menyurat, surat kabar dan radio dengan catatan :
-          Dalam surat menyurat semua kalimaty dalam bentuk Presnt Perfect Tense .
Contoh :  I am sory I haven’t written for such a lng time , but I have been very busy  lately as my partner has been away…..
-      Dalam surat kabar atau radio hanya pada kalimat        pertama  saja untuk selanjutnya Past Tense yang digunakan.
Contoh : Thirty thousand pounds worth of jewellery has been stolen from Jonathan Wild and Company. The thieves broke into the flat above some time during Sunday night.
HOME WORK : WRITE DOWN A POEM IN ENGLISH   8 SENTENCES MINIMALY. ( you can make by your self or take from a magazine etc)

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